Cortese, A., Ohata, R., Alemany, M., Kitagawa, N., Imamizu, H., Koizumi, A. (2023). Time-dependent neural arbitration between cue associative and episodic fear memories. BioRxiv
Chiba, T., Ide, K., Taylor, J. E., Boku S., Toda, H., Kanazawa, T., Kato, S., Horiuchi, Y., Hishimoto, A., Maruyama, T., Yamamoto, T., Shirakawa, M., Sora, I., Kawato, M., & Koizumi, A*. (2020). A reciprocal inhibition model of alternations between under-/overemotional modulatory states in patients with PTSD. Nature PublishingGroup: Molecular Psychiatry, (* corresponding author)
Koizumi, A.*, Hori, T., Maniscalco, B., Hayase, M., Mishima, R., Kawashima, T., Miyata, J., Aso, To., Lau, H., Takahashi, H., & Amano, K. (2020). Atypical spatial frequency dependence of visual metacognition among schizophrenia patients. NeuroImage: Clinical, 27: 102296 (* corresponding author)
Koizumi, A.*, Zhan, M., Hiroshi, B., Kida, I., De Martino, F., Vaessen, M.J., de Gelder, B., Amano., K. (2019). Threat Anticipation in Pulvinar and in Superficial Layers of Primary Visual Cortex (V1). Evidence from Layer-Specific Ultra-High Field 7T fMRI, eNeuro, 0429-19.2019 (* corresponding author)
Koizumi, A., Lau, H., Shimada, Y., & Kondo, M., Lau, H. (2018). The effects of neurochemical balance in the anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on volitional control under irrelevant distraction. Consciousness and Cognition, 59: 104-111.
Koizumi, A., Lau, H., Mobbs, D. (2016). Is fear perception special? Evidence at the level of decision-making and subjective confidence. Social Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 11(11):1772-1782.